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THE WORD PROCESSING CYCLE OF WORK FLOW Input – Input or text can originate (origination) in the form of dictation (shorthand) or through handwriting or through audio input. This input could be processed (products) either through the electronic machine or the word processor and the final output is called the print out or the hardcopy. The output will be revised (revision). The output of the hardcopy will be sent to the word originator for revision. The revision can be in the form of correcting wrong spelling changing the paragraphs or adding other paragraphs(s). To prepare a revised document, you will insert the diskette and direct your word processor to read back the reloading in the diskette before you make the necessary correction with the aid of cursor you can scroll through the nest to the line where the change is to be made. Store the documents on the diskette again. The new document will automatically replace the old one on the diskette. Now you can instruct the computer to give you a new print out of the revised document. The new hard copy (revised documents) will now be sent back to the word originator who will read through and sign it. The six basic steps in the word processing work flow or documents cycle are: 1. PUTTING THOUGHTS INTO WORDS The originator of documents is also referred to as the writer or author. Organization is synonymous with typing because the word processing cycle starts with the input from the author. The input can be informed of a longhand draft, shorthand dictation, machine dictation or optical character recognition. (OCR). 2. PRODUCTION – KEYING, RECORDING, AND PRINTING TEXT After receiving the work from the originator, the word processing starts preparing text by keyboarding and producing a hardcopy. In the process of keyboarding the document, all necessary corrections are made. The document is then saved on the disk. A hardcopy may be produced on the operator may instruct the word processor to send the text to another machine. The hardcopy or the disk is kept for future use. Other machines that can be used in the processing of text apart form the dedicated word processor are microcomputers and minicomputers. 3. REVISION – EDITING TEXT Revision means making changes in the text. It may also be referred to as editing or correcting. After the hardcopy has been sent to the word originator, he may need to make some changes, corrections, or additions. However, the operator need not worry because only the changes need to be re-keyed. To do this, the document will be called to the screen and with the aid of the scroll key, the operator can quickly locate the places where changes need to be made. After making the changes, the whole document can be reprinted at a high speed. 4. REPRODUCTION – COPYING TEXT The final output of the document is called the original. If copies of the document are required, photocopies are usually made from the original copy to save costs. If copies are not required, then there is no need to make copies. Other machines that can be used in making copies apart from the photocopies are the typesetters and offset process. 5. DISTRIBUTION – SENDING TEXT Distribution is the process of sending the final documents to the receiver. The document can be sent through a messenger, courier service or by electronic mail depending on the nature and purpose of the document. 6. STORAGE – FILING TEXT There are two methods of storing documents in a word processing system. The hardcopy also known as paper copy and the magnetic medium such as diskettes. The file copy is filled and kept in the drawer while the diskettes are kept with the word processing operators. Another means of storing documents order than diskettes are the microfilm, and the optical disk. WORK FLOW IN A CENTRALIZED OFFICE In a centralized office, after the author has finished drawing the text, it will be sent to the word processing Supervisor for onward transmission to the Word Processing Operator. When the word processing operator completes typing the document, it will be sent to the Proofreader. If the proofreader finds the document to be perfect, it will be sent to the Word Processing Supervisor for submission to the Author, But if the proofreader finds some errors in the document, he will send it back to the Proofreader for second proofreading. If found to be perfect, the proofreader will then send the document to Word Processing Supervisor for submission to the word originator. The Word Originator will then append his signature. WORKFLOW IN A CENTRALIZED OFFICE Author Author Word Processing Supervisor Word Processing Supervisor (For correction) Word Processing Operator Proofreader WORK FLOW IN A DECENTRALIZED OFFICE In a decentralized office system, just as in a traditional, the office, word originator gives the work direct to the word processing operator or the secretary for typing. After the work is completed, it will be returned to the author. If he finds any error on the document, he will correct them and return them to the word processor operator for corrections. After corrections, the job will be returned to the author for his signature. The major difference here is that in a decentralized office system there is no need for the services of a word processing supervisor or the proofreader. The word processing operator works directly with the author. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What are six basic steps of the Word Processing Cycle? 2. Differentiate between workflow in a centralized office and workflow in decentralized office. 3. Name THREE equipment that can be used for Word Origination 4. Name THREE machines that can be used for Word Origination 5. Name THREE machines that can be used for reproduction. 6. What do you understand by storage media? 7. Mention and explain the number of ways in which documents can be stored.

Category: My articles | Added by: Luckyboy (10.12.2012) | Author: Luckyfemtech E W
Views: 863 | Tags: Advancing Technology | Rating: 0.0/0
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